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  • Writer's pictureMosquito Man

When is Mosquito Season?

There’s no doubt that mosquitoes are an annoyance. There’s nothing like a swarm of pesky mosquitoes to ruin a fun evening on the deck or patio with your family or to send your barbecue guests running for cover. But some of the 176 known mosquito species in the United States can also pose a health hazard to people and animals. Examples of potentially serious mosquito-borne diseases include eastern equine encephalitis and West Nile virus, which in severe cases can result in brain damage and even death. In 2014, the first cases of an affliction known as chikungunya — which can cause fever, rash, severe joint pain, and other health issues — were reported in the U.S. When Does Mosquito Season Start? Depending on the species, some mosquitoes hibernate during the winter and re-emerge when the weather begins to get warmer, while others hatch from previously laid eggs in the spring. The temperature plays a key factor in determining the actual start of the mosquito season. Generally, mosquito activity will begin when the temperature reaches the 50° F level. Mosquitoes thrive in hot weather. Thus, as the temperature begins to rise, the mosquito volume increases accordingly. The mosquito season reaches its peak during the hot summer months. When Does Mosquito Season End? When is mosquito season over? Again, temperature plays an important factor. As the weather begins to cool, you’ll likely notice a decrease in the level of mosquito activity on your property. Non-hibernating mosquitoes will begin to die off as the temperature approaches the 50° F mark, while the hibernating species will start to seek winter refuge in hollow logs, abandoned animal burrows, and other convenient hiding spots. The first frost is usually a reliable sign of the end of mosquito season. However, it’s possible that some hibernating mosquitoes will emerge during unexpected warm spells during winter, only to return to their hiding places when the temperature drops. Schedule a FREE Estimate Fields with (*) are required. Full Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Comments

Mosquito Season Varies by Region

Since mosquito activity is so closely linked to temperature, the actual mosquito season can vary greatly from one region to another — and even from one year to the next. As you might expect, the warmer the climate, the earlier the mosquito season starts and the longer it’s likely to last. While residents in some areas of the U.S. may not see the first mosquito until May or June, others will have to start dealing with the flying pests as early as February. In the extreme South and Hawaii, mosquito season has been known to last throughout the year!

Prepare Before Mosquito Season Arrives

Many property owners wait until they see a swarm of mosquitoes – or until they have been bitten – to begin the mosquito control process. However, by this time, the infestation has probably already occurred. The actual preparation for mosquito season should begin much earlier before the mosquitoes have had the chance to promulgate.

Remember, as the weather warms, the mosquito breeding cycle time shortens, which ultimately results in an increase in the number of mosquitoes on your property. This means you’ll want to get started while the weather is chilly – before the temperature consistently reaches that magical 50° F plateau.

Read Full Article Here: Mosquito Magnet

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